
Begini Contoh Pidato Dalam Bahasa Inggris

Menyampaikan pidato berbahasa Inggris sebenarnya tidak sulit. Terkadang, pidato bahasa Inggris memang diperlukan untuk menyambut acara tertentu atau sebagai tugas wajib yang harus dikerjakan siswa dan mahasiswa. Ketika menyampaikan pidato berbahasa Inggris, hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah grammar dan pemilihan bahasa. Kamu tidak perlu berpidato terlalu lama apabila audiens atau pendengarnya adalah siswa siswi. Jadi, kamu bisa memilih pidato dengan isi yang singkat, padat, namun jelas dan bisa ditangkap mereka. Berikut ini adalah contoh pidato bahasa Inggris singkat dan artinya yang dapat kamu sampaikan di berbagai macam event.

Berikut Contoh Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning and best wishes for all of us.
Headmaster, board of teacher and friends that I love.
Firts, let us offer praise and gratitude for the grace of the Almight God
Next, on this happy occasion, I want to deliver a speech about education

Ladies and gentlemen
As We know, education plays an important role for the progress aof a nation. If the population will experience difficulties in adapting ang facing pressure from the outside world. Therfore, it is not surprising that the goverment holds many programs to support the progress of education in Indonesia, one of which is by allocating large amounts of funds, so the dropout rate can be reduced and more students can get the right to education.

Actually, education can not only be obtained at school. Even outside of school we can use technology to access education. Take advantage of an online platform that can be accessed for free get free knowledge from various parts of the world, so that we can compete with the people out there. Developing countries are also very concerned about the quality of campus abroad is quite good, even many Indonesians decide to gain knowladge out there.

Ladies and gentlemen
To able to compete and equalize education with other countries, then we must pay mor attention to our education, thus, we can bring Indonesia’s good name in the international world.

Ladies and gentlemen
As a speech from me when there are wrong words I apologize, I end.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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